Park Design
Designed by landscape architects from the Seattle firm GGLO
with artist Laura Haddad, the park is an urban oasis, offering a
respite from the surrounding urban fabric. Given its location on a
residential street, the park encourages quiet and contemplative
activity with its primary focus being enjoyment of the dramatic view.
The view is introduced and framed by elements that add a subtle sense
of discovery and excitement.
The design emphasizes the existing attractions of the site while creating
valuable opportunities for natural and artistic experiences that fit Fremont's unique
character. Pathways lead from the street through a meadow area and
woodland, out to a breathtaking view of the Olympic mountain range,
with views of the Ship Canal, Mt.
Rainier, downtown Seattle, the
Space Needle, Ballard, Magnolia, and Queen Anne.

Landscape plan, elevations (click image for full-size
The "woodland wander" maintains
existing mature conifer trees. The new plantings include native species
in areas that were covered with invasives and provide suitable habitat for
birds and wildlife. The
design incorporates a Garry
Oak as a "legacy tree" that will shade future generations of
park visitors. Artistic elements include references to the ancient
Greek myth of Theseus and
Ariadne, including a silver thread wending its way through remnant
ruins of a labyrinth,
Notice that the foundation walls of two former houses built on
this property serve as part of this labyrinth. There are also playful nods to Fremont’s
famous annual Solstice Parade with a moon entry plaza and summer and
winter solstice lines.
Stand at the center and track where the sun will set at each

Landscape plan, aerial view (click image for
full-size view)